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Voorheen schreef ik alleen in het clubblad van mijn voetbalvereniging onder het pseudoniem Dröge.

Omdat dit alleen ging over hetgeen wat op en om de velden gebeurde, leek het mij leuk om algemene zaken die ik in het dagelijkse leven tegen kom of lees in de kranten, te schrijven op deze site. In ieder geval zal ik elke zaterdag iets schrijven, zodat zondag's weer iets nieuws te lezen valt. Wil je  op de hoogte gehouden worden als er eerder een update is, schrijf je dan in op de Mailinglist....

Hudson (Eng)  

In April Dröge en lady Dröge visited the States for a so called room-gathering. A gathering of people who know each other from a chat room. After a few days of sightseeing with our good friend DC, we arrived at Myrtle Beach, where the gathering should be held. While we were checking into our motel, the name Hudson appeared for the first time . The lady at the check-in desk told us there had been a man who asked for us five times already . Oh who? Some man named Hudson! We never heard of the name Hudson before, but that can also come because in a chat room no one uses his real name, but always a nickname. We asked the nice lady at the front desk: “well, how did this man look like?”  She said: “bold and about fifty years old.” We still had no idee! The nice lady begged us to find this Hudson-guy, because he was driving her crazy. Slowly people started dropping in and every one was introduced to each other. Of course Dröge and lady Dröge were quite an attraction because we came all the way from the Netherlands to the USA for the gathering. Almost everyone was introduced to one another, but no sign of Hudson! Someone who at first bothers the reception lady for so many times but when the introduction starts appears to be invisible. What a mystery? What was the case; Hudson and his lady were a little bit shy…..  With our good friend DC we already made a lot of fun about Hudson. Finally we were introduced to Hudson. When Dröge and lady Dröge were talking to Hudson, DC our friend arrived with a huge smile on his face asking if we had already met Hudson….  The commotion that took place then still make us laugh and Hudson is still one of our favourite objects in the emails we send each other.

 This summer Dröge and lady Dröge are visiting the United States again and made an appointment with DC and his wife to go to Las Vegas. We think Hudson is already at the Strip, the main road of Las Vegas, to ask at all the hotels if we arrived yet. Because the strip is very long, we think that he and his wife have split the tasks and both have a list of hotels to visit and that five times a day!

All the hotels heave already contacted us. If we would please check in at their hotel and take Hudson with us. Because he’s driving them crazy!!!



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